16 agosto, 2009

Electronic Poetry by Jorge Luiz Antonio


Electronic Poetry by Jorge Luiz Antonio

© Jim Andrews (vispo ABC Architecture) and DesignYellow (Liliana Bellio)


Poesia eletrônica: negociacões com os processos digitais

Jorge Luiz Antonio

on line
Phone: +55 11 4023 2704


Poesia eletrônica / Electronic Poetry by Jorge Luiz Antonio


Electronic Poetry: negotiations with digital processes studies the semiotic negotiations of poetry with computational technologies - mediation, intervention and transmutation -, which purpose is to present concepts and examples of a poetry - composed by word, static and dynamic image, sound, hypertextuality, hypermedia and interactivity, all formatted by computer program languages - which has been developing in digital media since the end of 1950s.

The subject is divided into four chapters: Poetry and Technology: Technopoetry; Poetry, Art, Science and Technology; Electronic Poetry; Poetry and Computer(s); and Typology and Commented Examples.

Poetry and Technology: Technopoetry is about semiotic theoretical negotiations (mediation, intervention, transmutation) of the poet with technologies and of the relations of poetic, artistic and technological languages, which results in techno poetic language.

Poetry, Art, Science and Technology focuses the natural poetry vocation of dealing with other languages and presents an international sample of these poetic experimentations through a timeline: from Ancient History until XXth century, XXth: 1900-1950, XXth century: 1950-2000; and XXIth century: 2001-nowadays.

In Electronic Poetry there is the intention of mapping what has been studied as electronic poetry (state of art), of presenting a historical outline since 1959, and of registering the denominations which have been given to electronic poetry. The final result of this chapter is the option for the term 'electronic poetry' as the general denomination mostly accepted by scholars and poets.

Poetry and computer(s): contains a project of electronic poetry theory, the relationship of poetry and computer, electronic files, Internet, WWW, electronic text, hypertext and hypermedia.

In Typology and Commented Examples, from a map of nine categories of electronic poetry (poetry programs; infopoetry; computer poetry; hypertext poetry and/or hypermedia poetry; internet poetry; interactive, collaborative and performance poetry; code poetry; migrational poetry; cybrid performatic poetry), an international sample of examples is commented.

Annexes contains, besides five chapters, tribute to Theo Lutz, dedication, credits, biographical notes, acknowledgements, anthologies (of poetries and theoretical texts), denominations, chronology, bibliography and glossary.

Bibliography is in alphabetical order and intends to offer subsidies for those that would like to study the subject under the most different points of view.

Reader/Cyberreader can simultaneously read the book and access the computer, and, then, he/she can see commented poems, access electronic bibliography or selected electronic poetries. Once we have treated the negotiations of poetry with digital processes, it is important that a reading is also made in the printed media and in cyberspace, in an interactive and hypertextual way.

Throughout this study, we note procedures of poetry with technologies, in a general sense, and with the digital technologies, in particular. This panorama offers the most meaningful individual procedures of e-poets, groups of e-poets, of exhibitions of e-poetries and of communities which aggregate e-poets, which lets us talk about the existence of a non-centric international movement, without manifestos, and in constant development.

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FAPESP (The State of Sao Paulo Resource Foundation, Brazil) scholarship, posdoctor studies in Language Studies Institute (IEL) at The State of Sao Paulo University at Campinas (Unicamp), under Prof. Dr. Paulo Franchetti's supervision. Doctorate and master's degree in Communication and Semiotics (PUC SP), Specialization (lato sensu) in Literature (PUC SP/COGEAE), Graduation in Biology and Letters. Author of Electronic Poetry: negotiations with the digital processes (2008), Science, art and metaphor in the poetry of Augusto dos Anjos (2004), A Human Being David Daniels (in partnership with Regina Célia Pinto, 2004), Color, form, light, movement: the poetry of Cesario Verde (2002), Lake Sea Something Boat Rain (in partnership with Regina Célia Pinto, 2001), E-m[ag]inero (in partnership with Fátima Lasay, 2001), Brazilian Digital Art and Poetry on the Web (2000), Almeida Júnior through the times (1983), besides articles in printed and digital books and magazines in Brazil and outside.

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Electronic poetry has a half century of existence. What is this kind of poetry? How did it come to be? What is its history?

To answer these questions, the book presents theory, history, the state of the art and an anthology of it, by means of a panorama of semeiotic negotiations of poetry with technology, in a general sense, and with digital technologies, in particular.

This panorama offers the most meaningful individual procedures of e-poets, groups of e-poets, of exhibitions of e-poetries and of communities which aggregate e-poets, which let us talk about the existence of a non-centric international movement, without manifestos, and in constant development.

To understand and to appreciate electronic poetry as one of the artistic manifestations of cyberculture is a way we can understand the contemporary world in its more varied expressions, similar to what we do when studying other poetic manifestations of previous centuries.

Everyone interested in buying the book/CD-ROM, or in changing it for other publication, may contact the author: jlantonio@uol.com.br

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Poesia eletrônica; negociacões com os processos digitais / Electronic Poetry: Negotiations with Digital Processes
Jorge Luiz Antonio

Book (198p.) and CD-ROM
ISBN - 978-85-61508-02-9
Prefaces: E. M. de Melo e Castro and Chris Funkhouser
Dust-jacket texts / Flap blurbs: Omar Khouri e Lucio Agra
Co-edition: FAPESP / Author / Veredas & Cenários
Images of the dust-jacket and of CD-ROM: DesignYellow (Liliana Bellio), aLe (Alexandre Venera dos Santos), Jim Andrews (vispo.com 'ABCArchitecture')


Book: CD-ROM:
I - Poetry and technology: technopoetry Chapters II and III - continuation
II - Poetry, Art, Science and Technology Anthologies of:
III - Electronic Poetry Poetries
IV - Poetry and computer(s) Theoretical Texts
V - Typology and Commented Examples Additional Texts:

About the book: jlantonio.blog.uol.com.br
Language: Portuguese (mostly), many abstracts in English.